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The Fecundity of Ants and the Goodness of Existing

This post was originally published on The Daily Ant. “Kevin! Get in here!” comes my wife’s voice from the kitchen, brimming with an emotion somewhere between irritation and exasperation. We’d just moved our family of five over 1,500 miles across the country, replete with all…
September 15, 2017
22 Advocacy

Conflicted About Pity

This post was originally published on Claire Crisp's blog. I confess that I'm conflicted. Now, this isn't a new phenomenon for me; I'm actually conflicted quite a lot. But today I find myself especially conflicted as the parent of a disabled child. In particular, I…
May 17, 2016

Patriotism Run Awry

This post was originally published at The Prindle Post. With the 2016 presidential election looming, we’re inundated with a number of messages from both major political parties. Many of these messages invoke patriotism as a reason to support one particular party or candidate over another.…
February 2, 2016
22 Advocacy

Interview: Kevin and Jameson

This post was originally published on Claire Crisp's blog. I'm sitting in the waiting room while my seven-year-old son is in OT. My five-year-old daughter is sitting beside me, trying to learn to read. She’s sad because she doesn’t get to have therapy. Her reaction…
August 28, 2015
PhilosophyTalks & Lectures

Fundamental Practices for Intellectual Formation Fundamental Practices for Intellectual Formation: Explorations of the Habit of Humility Kevin Timpe, Northwest Nazarene University James Van Slyke, Fresno Pacific University Rebecca DeYong, Calvin College The Intellectual Humility Capstone Conference Catalina Island, California, USA Hosted by The Thrive Center for Human Development…
June 8, 2015
Podcast & Radio Interviews

How Can Free Will Work?

Recorded for the PBS show “Closer to Truth”: Assume that free will is real, not an illusion, and that the only reality is physical. How then could the will possibly be free? By what mechanism could human choice transcend the strong determinism of a closed…
March 14, 2015