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Ableism in the Academy Resources

Talks from the Ableism in the Academy Workshop: Books:Dolmage, Academic Ableism (available here as a free PDF)Brown, Lived Experiences of Ableism in Academia: Strategies for Inclusion in Higher EducationBrown and Leigh (eds), Ableism in Academia: Theorising Experiences of Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses in Higher EducationMcMaster…
September 22, 2024
black and white image of a storm cloud
22 Advocacy

Preferential option for the weak, poor, and disabled

I've noted before (for instance, here and here) about how ableist metaphors and assumptions find their way into what churches say, sing, and affirm in their liturgies. Such language reflects what Amos Yong calls ‘normate biases’–"the unexamined prejudices that non-disabled people have toward disabilities and…
November 8, 2022
image of #ActuallyAutistic hashtag
22 Advocacy

Learn from autistics

One of the unfortunate things about how parents usually receive diagnoses for their autistic children is that almost all of the resources they're given are about rather than by autistic people. This is especially problematic for folks who don't know autistic adults. While doctors, therapists,…
May 9, 2022
22 Advocacy

Autistic Exclusion at Churches

I've written and talked about how churches are often among the most unwelcoming places for disabled folks. HERE is an excellent post on how churches often make autistics feel unwelcome. While this may be unintentional, that doesn't mean it's not a problem. In my experience,…
August 20, 2021
22 Advocacy

IEP training meeting handout

Earlier this summer, I advocated for a local family. They'd been stonewalled repeatedly by their local public school district and got my name from a FB group. We had a five hour IEP meeting where I was able to help the family get nearly everything…
July 12, 2021
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