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22 AdvocacyUncategorized

A Sibling’s Perspective

Our kids are in the "love Lego" stage of life (which I hope they never grow out of). For the past few years, we've given them Lego Advent calendars, which they greatly enjoy. This year, we got them one and my parents got them another.…
December 14, 2020
Michigan Department of Education logo
22 Advocacy

IEPs and CLPs (Contingency Learning Plans)

Earlier this week, the Michigan Department of Education released this document with guidance following MI's Return to Learn Roadmap specifically for students with IEPs. As a number of articles have pointed out, many disabled students seem to have been disproportionately disadvantaged by the switch to…
August 27, 2020
photograph of Bogota's skyline at night
Talks & Lectures

Podcast on Free Will

Last summer, I was able to take an amazing trip to Bogota to be part of this fabulous project, teaching down there for two days. While there, I recorded a podcast about some of my work; you can listen to it here (and find the…
August 21, 2020
A grey-scale icon of Jesus, three children, a woman, and a man. The icon, by Tom Clark, is at the top of the cover of Kinard's book.
22 AdvocacyBook Reviews

Of Such is the Kingdom

Yesterday I stared reading Summer Kindard's new book, Of Such is the Kingdom: A Practical Theology of Disability. I'm a little over 100 pages in (out of a total of around 260) and so far it's perhaps the best single book I know of on…
February 16, 2020
a portion of the Nicene Creed in latin
22 Advocacy

Inclusive Hymns, Exclusive Language

(This post is related to this earlier one.) I've been thinking about theological/liturgical language a fair bit over the past few days. This past sunday, one of the hymns our church sang was "Be Thou My Vision." It's a hymn that I've liked for a…
January 7, 2020