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PhilosophyTalks & Lectures

Fundamental Practices for Intellectual Formation Fundamental Practices for Intellectual Formation: Explorations of the Habit of Humility Kevin Timpe, Northwest Nazarene University James Van Slyke, Fresno Pacific University Rebecca DeYong, Calvin College The Intellectual Humility Capstone Conference Catalina Island, California, USA Hosted by The Thrive Center for Human Development…
June 8, 2015
PhilosophyTalks & Lectures

Virtue and Transformation Virtue and Transformation - Becoming the Kind of People Oriented Towards Pursuing Truth, Community, and Service This is the first lecture in a series of four to commemorate the Centennial of Northwest Nazarene University. Dr. Kevin Timpe is a professor of Philosophy at NNU.…
November 21, 2013