Tips for doing well in classes
How to Email a Professor
Please take note of and follow this advice, not just with me but with all your faculty.
Pink Guide to Taking Philosophy Classes
Some great general advice on how to approach and succeed in your philosophy course.
Top Ten No Sympathy Lines
These likely won’t work on your faculty, so don’t try them..
Taking Effective Notes
Writing down only what the professor puts on the board is a bad method.
5 Things Not to Say to a Professor
Take this advice.
Sample Philosophy Paper
An excellent Prezi illustration of how to appraoch a philosophy paper.
On Reading Philosophy
Reading well takes much more than simply running one’s eyes over the words. What else does it take? Find out.
Some Handouts
Grading Rubric
A general rubric for grades, complete with cake-baking analogy.
How to Write Philosophy Papers
Information on how to write papers for your philosophy courses. Originally a handout for a presentation to the USD Writing Center.
For Those Thinking About Grad School In Philosophy
Should I Go to Graduate School in Philosophy?
Applying to Graduate School in Philosophy?
Liberal Arts, and the Advantages of Being Useless
A paper worth reading on the value of a specifically liberal arts education.
Information on Majoring in Philosophy
Thinking about majoring in philosophy? See why that might be a good idea here.